You are going to have a great time once you discover how to take kratom and the proper starting dosage. Learn the different ways to take kratom to make it work better on your opioid receptors.
Orange Juice
Orange juice is the best method. This is how you ingest kratom for a great experience. The acids in the juice help extract more alkaloids from the plant. More concentrated alkaloids in your system will amplify the effects.
This method is favourable by people who want aid against opioid withdrawal symptoms.
The web is filled with positive reviews on how people come to love mixing orange juice with kratom. This is probably the best way to take kratom powder. Not only because of increase potency, but also the bitter taste is disguised.
Pour in two to three glasses of orange juice in a shaker and add kratom. Shake it for a while and let it sit for at least 15 minutes. The clumps will dissolve in peace and it becomes easier to get it down.
This method is my number 1 when I want to crank up the stimulant-like effects from white kratom.
If you get tired of orange, try agave juice and cranberry juice.
Toss-and-Wash Method
Toss and wash is a straightforward process on how to take kratom powder.
There are many guides on how to do it. Personally, I take 2g kratom powder and place it in my mouth. Then I take a glass of orange juice and drink it as the powder is in my mouth. Its fast and easy.
However, you can throw up if sensitive to the bitter taste. Don’t take the whole dose at once. Divide it up into smaller pieces if you are just starting out.
Kratom Capsules
This is one of the most common ways to take kratom. It’s the best technique if you want to eliminate the taste and make a mess in the kitchen. The con is that you might need a lot of capsules to get your desired effects, depending on capsule sizes.
You also have to get kratom capsules that aren’t garbage. Or just make them yourself by investing in machines. But that’s how you invite hassle. It’s probably better to buy them from a reputable vendor because then you know for sure how many milligrams contains in each capsule.
Capsules are the best way to take kratom powder if you don’t like the taste. Swallow them down with orange juice if you want enhanced pain relief.
It’s fun to make kratom tea as a beginner. You might not get it perfect the first time. Give it a couple of trials and error. Soon maybe we have kratom vendors who sell tea bags.
This is what you need:
- Saucepan with a pouring spout
- Coffee filter or preferably a strainer
- Water
- Your choice of kratom
- 1 Lemon
Pour in 1/2 cup of water into a saucepan. Squeeze the lemon juices into your water to extract more alkaloids.
Pour the water to a simmer and add kratom. Let the water simmer for about 20 minutes and then remove the saucepan. And at last, grab your finest tea mug and enjoy.
If you ever made kratom tea, please comment and share your wisdom. Experienced users will often turn to tea because hot water and kratom seems to go hand in hand. It is good for weight loss and to hide bitter flavors from red vein kratom. I noticed that tea doesn’t cause any appetite loss that kratom can offer.
People have been making tinctures for years in order to get the desired effects of herbs.
You can make your own tincture if you have Ph strips, citric acid, tincture bottles, and other stuff you’ll find in a chemistry lab. It’s messy. Regular kratom users don’t want that hassle and it can produce adverse effects if done wrong.
However, tinctures are potent. Maybe too strong for some people. You only need 10 drops to feel the effects. Good kratom tinctures are called full spectrum. That’s what I recommend. But be careful because tinctures can mess up your tolerance for weeks. The simulant effects is no joke from tinctures.
If you own a blender you can make all kinds of beverages using kratom.
Mix your favorite fruits with coconut milk and add about 3g of kratom powder. Have a banana in your mix if you want more energy. Bananas are also good sources of l-tyrosine. L-tyrosine is an amino acid that helps your brain to release dopamine, the neurotransmitters that give you motivation and make you feel good. It works well with the components of kratom.
One of my favorite dishes is to mix white maeng da or green malay with bananas and blueberries. White manga and green malay a great morning strains that offer a huge burst of energy. I use coconut milk instead of water and regular milk because it makes my smoothies taste better.
Kratom works well with any kind of food, sauces, yogurt, cream, pastry, or anything – except sushi.
Make sure you use the right ratio between food and kratom. This is because you want to maintain the taste of your food. The effects are or can be delayed because the alkaloids must be digested first so they can enter the bloodstream. The effects of kratom may not be as potent if you take it with orange juice.
The pain-relieving effects can be great if you have turmeric or cayenne pepper in your food.
Choosing the Right Kratom Dosages
The daily dose is your job to find. As everyone needs different amount to feel the benefits. Here is a guideline to get you started:
- Low dose of kratom: 1-2 grams
- Moderate dose: 2-4 grams
- High dose: 4-6 grams or more
A high dose is needed for chronic pain. Low and moderate dose is enough for stimulating effects.
Interactions with Other Substances
Kratom may interact with certain medications or substances, such as alcohol or other sedatives.
Kratom and Hydration
When you take kratom it is very important that you stay hydrated. The plant will dehydrate you just like coffee. Water is key to life and a great kratom experience. Take this as an opportunity to fill your system with water. Your joints and every cell in your body will thank you.
Another underrated tip is to take a walk after you consume the plant. Walking improves blood flow so all the alkaloids get transported properly throughout your whole system. You will also feel and experience the effects faster and longer.
You can also walk around inside your home or do some basic exercises to get the blood flowing. I do this every time I use white strains to bring out the stimulant effects.
As you can see, you have a few options on how to ingest kratom. One of the best ways to take kratom is to mix powder extract with juice. This will bring out the alkaloid content in kratom so you get the most out of the plant.
The toss-and-wash technique is effective and quick. If you have a blender at home look up some nice smoothie recipes online and add kratom to the mix.
Now you know what works best. Grab the strain that suits your need and enjoy the plant.
Orange juice is the way (y)
Would like to try Bali krantom for pain and anxiety, somewhat like painkillers used to do for me, that I don’t take for 10 years
Is The Kratom Source a reliable vendor?
I am new to Kratom. Last week, I bought some in a small packet. I dissolved it in milk, and had a bad experience. I lay in my bed, wishing the trip was over. However, two days later, I walked into the same store and complained to my friends who worked there. All at once, they said “Orange Juice!” I bought another two dollar packet, Late that night, I mixed the Kratom with Orange Juice. This time, the experience was completely different. I felt so relaxed and had lots of energy at the same time. I felt great. The comedown was pleasant, and when I arrived on Earth, I had no lingering side effects. Now, I am a Kratom believer. I took another Kratom Orange Juice cocktail just before I started writing this post. I must be a slow typer, because I am feeling the Kratom take-over starting right now. I feel so good!!!
Please let me share something with you. I am 61 years old, but have discovered The Key to the Universe when I was 17. It is the best thing. Just reading this will not benefit you at all.
The Key to the Universe;
Revelation One Nineteen
Write down a brief account of your day, your problems that day, and a list of tasks to do the next day.
©1985 Paul Noblin
Read Rev.1:19 (KJV).
“Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter;”
Write down the past, present, and future.
Align your inside mind with the outside world (reality including Christ), and you will be one with All.
Telepath Love & Perfection.
The past is not fixed. The past is in flux and is constantly changing.
You can bend reality.
You are the center of your own Universe.
Reprogram yourself.
It only 15 or 20 minutes of your evening.
You must join our organization. The S. P. C. P. – The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to People.
Just bury $40.00 in a jar in your backyard. We will contact you. Presto. You’re in!
Warm Regards… paul.
… if one were to live on a houseboat…
Best Reguards,
Nice work. Great info. You did a great job explaining and helping me understand. I feel confident and at ease regarding selecting what strain that I need to benefit me.