Today, you’ll discover the best kratom for opiate withdrawal symptoms and how to use it effectively.
With so many strains for you to pick, how can you be sure that you get what you want?
This blog post aims to shed light on this topic, backed by a compelling testimonial from a former heroin addict and an exploration of the most recommended strains.
Understanding Opiate Withdrawal Symptoms
Opioids is a category of drugs that include powerful painkillers like oxycodone and illicit substances like heroin.
These substances offer significant pain relief if used with care. But they are also highly addictive.
Someone who is opiate dependent and tries to quit, unpleasant withdrawal symptoms occur.
To understand these symptoms is key if you want to overcome opiate addiction or if you need support on your journey to recovery.
The symptoms begin within 12 hours of last opiate use and peak within 30 to 72 hours.
The intensity ranges from mild to severe.
- Mild Symptoms mimic flu-like symptoms like runny nose and teary eyes. Mild symptoms can also cause sweating and yawning.
- Moderate Symptoms often happen when someone progresses through the withdrawal phase. Symptoms like tremors, poor concentration, fatigue and irritability.
- Severe Symptoms happens in the most intense phase. Symptoms may include vomiting, diarrhea, chills, rapid heartbeat and intense cravings for drugs.
Influential Factors That Shapes the Intensity of Withdrawal
How intense and how long the opiate withdrawal symptoms are depends on:
- Dependence on the opioid drug itself. The longer someone uses opiates, the more severe the symptoms.
- The type of drug is also important. Different opiates have their own half-lives. This means they stay in your body for different lengths of time. Short lifespan, like heroin, produces more immediate symptoms compared to those with a longer lifespan.
- Usage and how frequently you take opiates is a key factor on the severity of symptoms. Also, higher doses typically lead to more intense withdrawal symptoms.
The Risk of Relapse and the Role of Kratom
A major challenge is the relapse risk that lingers. Discomfort and distress caused by the withdrawal symptoms can steer the user to drug use to eliminate suffering.
This is where the benefits of kratom come into play
But you must know what strain to take if you want to combat opiate withdrawal and in the end; become free.
The Power of Kratom for Opiate Withdrawal: A Beacon of Hope
Opiate addiction and the symptoms it brings, is a harrowing experience. Severe pain, nausea, anxiety and insomnia is just too much.
Kratom can alleviate many of these harsh symptoms. And also, you get a gentler road towards recovery.
Many users report that kratom also helps to restore emotional balance by reducing anxiety and significantly improving sleep.
Kratom can also alleviate many of the opioid withdrawal symptoms by “tricking” the brain you’re taking opioids. This gives you and your brain a natural way towards recovery.
Imagine finally sleeping like a toddler and waking up happy and refreshed after so many restless nights. Kratom is truly amazing in this field of recovery.
Why Kratom Can Help You Conquer Opioid Addiction
Kratom is abundant in alkaloids (plant chemicals) that have remarkable effects on your brain and body.
Two of the major alkaloids: mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine, are of particular interest.
Because they stimulate the mind and body to ease withdrawal symptoms.
your body a gentle nudge towards healing, rather than a harsh push.
The interesting part is that kratom produces morphine-like effects.
Kratom interacts with the same brain receptors as opiates, but in its own, unique way.
At lower doses, you get stimulant effects to help you focus. Higher doses are sedative similar to opiates.
But keep in mind that these effects are not as intense or addictive as opioids but still helpful to manage withdrawal symptoms.
Choosing the Best Kratom Strain for Opiate Withdrawal
In the world of natural remedies, kratom has emerged as a powerful ally. Most praised for those who are struggling with opiate withdrawals.
The Power of Red Bali Kratom for Opiate Withdrawal
Red bali stands out as a top choice for people with opiate withdrawal. It is not just a theory, it is backed by real life experiences. One story comes from a former heroin addict who found solace in Red Bali during the recovery journey.
Red Bali significantly alleviates physical withdrawal symptoms, the most challenging aspect of opiate withdrawal.
Red bali is also great to manage anxiety that opiate addictions bring.
In addition, red bali stimulates appetite and promotes better sleep. Major factors for a fast and effective recovery.
Why Red Bali is Your Best Choice
It is known for the high alkaloid content, which is the chemical that will stimulate your body’s opioid receptors. It mimics the effects without harsh side effects, that is if you consume it with a careful eye.
Exploring Additional Recommendations: Green Borneo
While Red Bali is a top choice, it’s not the only Kratom strain beneficial for opiate withdrawal. Green Borneo is another strain worth mentioning.
Green borneo is famous for its balanced effects. It provides pain relief and relaxation without the excessive sedation that red bali can bring. This makes it an ideal pick for daytime.
Choosing the best Kratom strain for opiate withdrawal is a personal journey that needs your understanding and patience. While Red Bali and Green Borneo are highly recommended, it’s good to remember that individual experiences may vary. Therefore, a customised approach can often yield the best results. As always, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new treatment regimen.
How to Use Kratom for Opiate Withdrawal
When we talk about consuming kratom, powder form stands out for its effectiveness. Powder is made by grinding dried leaves into a fine-looking powder.
This solution is easily mixed with food or beverages. Powder is also quickly absorbed into the bloodstream.
Step-by-Step Guidelines for Successful Opiate Addiction Treatment with Kratom
Even if kratom is a potent tool to conquer opiate withdrawal, following a structure is essential to success.
- Start with a Low Dose: Begin your journey towards freedom with a low dose and see how your body responds. Gradually increase the dosage and keep listening to how you feel.
- Monitor Your Response: Keep track of your body’s reaction to Kratom. This will help you identify the right dosage and strain for your needs.
- Maintain Consistency: Consistency is key in any treatment plan.
The Importance of a Balanced Diet and Hydration During the Withdrawal Process
Kratom is a key player to win over opioid addiction. But it is also a major factor to keep yourself hydrated and maintain a proper diet.
Proper nutrition will help you heal and hydrations will flush out toxins.
During the withdrawal process, your body is working hard to restore balance. So, give it the fuel it craves.
A 43-years-old male spent $15 000 a year on kratom to manage his opiate withdrawal symptoms. He claims that the hellish withdrawal period was significantly less intense but more sustained than prescription drugs. Source:
I agree that Kratom does produce pleasurable effects. But There are many side effects that come with the withdrawals from not using the Kratom. With the withdrawals that some people go through, it is important to always stick with the dosage instructions that are listed on the package, as well as only using the product when you need it and not for everyday use. For more information visit Golden Monk Kratom
Does it come in pill form?
Yes. Capsules
It’s much, much cheaper to buy the powder, and the buy a couple thousand 00 capsules from eBay. It’s time consuming, but you can buy contraptions that will speed up the capsule-filling process. Every capsule 8ve seen cost 2-5 times more than when you just buy the powder and fill your own.
Kratom has helped me get off pain pills. I’ll worry about the day I have to stop taking Kratom when that day comes, but for now I’m much happier, albeit dealing with more tolerable pain. None of the side effects you ge5 with pain pills. Anyone that is under pain management knows the feeling of being treated like a drug addict by these pill-mill “Doctors.” It amazes me how these Doctors can force you to come in every single month, and for what ; my Dr actually spends less than 5 minutes with me, and I saw the Dr leave one patient’s room after 2 minutes! It’s a racket, collecting (extorting) $150 a month from a pain patient, specially when you see the Dr for a couple minutes.
Pain pills long term are unsustainable for most. Eventually, you’ll need a higher dose, and a higher dose, no matter if you have no addiction tendencies and take your meds exactly as prescribed. There is no end in site when taking pain medication, I’m glad I learned about kratom, I no longer have to be a prisoner of big pharma
Well said! I was prescribed pain meds for 25yrs for several pain-causing conditions and just 6wks ago I stopped them and switched to this miraculous little plant. IMO it’s much better than any pain pill of any sort! I’m getting my life back little by little which has done wonders for my self esteem and happiness. I can’t even explain how wonderful it is not having to be at the doc’s office every month for a piece of paper for deadly meds. Do your research for quality leaf before buying. Talk to others who use it and can guide you to finding the best strain and amount per serving. Don’t try just one kind and decide whether you like it or not because each strain varies in appearance, strength, and duration, and it takes a lot of experimentation to find what works for you. Plus one place’s product may not be as good as another’s, so again…try various vendors. I suggest getting a sample packs from different sources for this purpose. Red may eliminate your friend’s pain but green may work best for you. I’m SO GRATEFUL I didn’t give up on it! Seriously get emotional thinking how much this little blessing from God has improved my life.
This article was very helpful as I am tapering off of Oxycodone & Fentanyl. The withdrawals honestly are the most debilitating feelings I’ve ever experienced in my life, mentally & physically. I’ve tried just about every Kratom made & Red Bali was the only one that made me feel actual normal again. It was a godsend a life saver. I do not feel the need to keep taking Kratom as with the opiates that get you hooked. Kratom is completely different as it does not steal your life from you. Please if your going through withdrawals from any type of opiate Red Bali will help you.
Going to try red Bali to get off the perks hope it works
Thank you so much this is very informative I have sarcoidosis stage 2 trying to stay away from stage 3 and 4 and finding Kratom has made my life livable again I feel like doing things and seeing things and people I can eat I can go to the bathroom I just seem to be more alive sarcoidosis has taken so much away from me I’m not the person that I used to be the pain is over excruciating Lee destructive I’m using voice to chat if you haven’t figured that out now… But now I feel like I can live again thank you kratom thank you God
I have lumbar spinal stenosis, ruptured disc, herniated disc and arthritis. I take maintenance prescription drugs on a daily basis. I used to have major flare-ups that required narcotics and several days of bed rest for pain relief. Since I started using kratom I’m completely free of narcotics, bed rest and anxiety of missing so much work. My quality of life has improved and my family is thankful that I’m not in so much pain any longer.
Kratom is just like any other drug. If you abused it there’s going to be problems. I would much rather be on kratom then the crazy narcotics prescribed today. I can truly testify that kratom is a much better alternative to oxycodone…a true gateway drug. I’ve never heard of people using heroin when they can’t get kratom. Our country is in the middle of an epidemic of people turning to heroin when oxy is not available.
A heroine is a cheaper and far more accessible worth the ever-growing government control on oxy and other similar drugs.
I am grateful that I have kratom and that my quality of life has made a turn for the better.
What’s kratom you take let me know please
Which kratom work like oxycodone let me know please
Thanks for the article, but 15,000$ a year? At a 100$/kilo that’s 32 kilos a day, for 395 days. What !?!
My son recently “overdosed” on drinking water bottles of the stuff. He has gone into 3 seziers from guzzling this leaf down in one dose. His pkgs are coming from MIK in NC but I can’t find them on the web. Can anyone help me find them? I’d like to return the one unopened bag. Also, can a person who has been on suboxon take kratom?
Can’t see how or why anyone would use this leaf in this way. For one, it doesn’t dissolve in water. Secondly, taking a lot (varies per person but anything beyond 3 or 4tsps) causes uncontrollable vomiting. Never heard it being linked to seizures, BUT too much water causes seizures and can even kill someone.
What you’re saying occurs doesn’t exactly add up. Not saying you’re lying, but your son may be lying to you. Hopefully you’ve taken him to the hospital. Did they not do a drug screen?!
Take the bag to a lab and have it tested
I am coming off of heroin right now with the use of kratom and I have to admit I woke up this morning not sick. I started taking kratom a few days ago in preparation but it is an amazing thing. To think I don’t have to go buy dope to get through the day. I might actually make it. Thanks to kratom.
I’m from uk I’m looking for some simple help to get me off heroin how much and where can I get it from many thanks. Andy
If Kratom doesn’t help, try a psychedelic mushroom treatment. It helps alot of people who are addicted to heroin and other substances.